Top Apps Using AI-Powered Features

AI is everywhere, literally everywhere, and for good reason. The number of applications that AI has entered is enormous, and with innovations and breakthroughs happening by the second in the AI space, the day is pretty close when everything and all applications will be AI-powered.

AI-powered apps can learn from user behaviour, using machine learning technology to improve functionality. This allows AI models to create predictions, suggestions, and judgments using AI algorithms.

These apps automate processes, save time, and provide personalized experiences. They can potentially revolutionize industries like healthcare, banking, and education.

This blog explores some of the top applications using artificial intelligence to produce immaculate results.

Apps That Have Nailed the AI Game

Entertainment Apps


App Name: Netflix
Description: A streaming service that offers a vast collection of TV shows, movies, and documentaries.
How AI is being used: Netflix uses AI algorithms to analyze users’ viewing behaviour, preferences, and search history to provide personalized recommendations.
Unique Selling Point: AI-powered recommendations save users 90 seconds per session, equating to over a billion hours of saved time yearly.
Interesting Fact: Netflix’s AI-powered content recommendation system has been awarded several patents.


App Name: Spotify
Description: A music streaming service that offers access to millions of songs, podcasts, and audiobooks.
How AI is being used: Spotify uses AI algorithms to analyze users’ listening habits and preferences to generate personalized playlists and recommendations.
Unique Selling Point: Spotify’s Discover Weekly playlist has a 60% engagement rate, indicating high user satisfaction with its AI-powered recommendations.
Interesting Fact: Spotify has invested heavily in AI research and development and has acquired several AI-powered startups to improve its recommendation algorithms.

Virtual assistants:


App Name: Siri
Description: A virtual assistant developed by Apple that can perform tasks, answer questions, and provide recommendations.
How AI is being used: Siri Uses AI to understand natural language and context to provide personalized responses and recommendations.
Unique Selling Point: Integrated with Apple’s ecosystem of devices and services, allowing users to control their devices and access information seamlessly across different platforms.
Interesting Fact: Introduced in 2011 and was one of the first mainstream virtual assistants to use AI-powered natural language processing.

Google Assistant

App Name: Google Assistant
How AI is being used: A virtual assistant developed by Google that can perform tasks, answer questions, and provide recommendations.
Description: Google Assistant uses AI to understand natural language and context and can integrate with third-party apps to provide personalized recommendations.
Unique Selling Point: Can understand and speak over 30 languages, making it one of the most versatile virtual assistants available.
Interesting Fact: Google Assistant’s AI-powered voice recognition technology has an accuracy rate of over 95%.

Employment & Hiring


App Name: TopGeek
Description: An AI-powered hiring tool that streamlines the recruitment process by using cutting-edge technology, including AI & ML, to save time for both recruiters and recruits while increasing overall efficiency.
How AI is being used: Topgeek is powered by ChatGPT, which automatically creates job openings and grades interviews.
Unique Selling Point: Can save recruiters several hours of screening and grading time with almost near-perfect accuracy.
Interesting Fact: Topgeek, utilizes speech-to-text functionality to transcribe candidate interviews and assess coding interviews on various parameters.

Language Translation

Google Translate

App Name: Google Translate
Description: A language translation app that can translate text, speech, and images in real-time.
How AI is being used: Google Translate uses AI to analyze and understand language patterns and context to provide accurate translations.
Unique Selling Point: Can translate over 100 billion words per day and is used by over 500 million people globally every month.
Interesting Fact: Google Translate's AI-powered translation technology has improved significantly over the years and can now provide accurate translations for over 100 languages.

Microsoft Translator

App Name: Microsoft Translator
Description: A language translation app that can translate text, speech, and images in real-time.
How AI is being used: It uses AI to analyze and understand language patterns and context to provide accurate translations.
Unique Selling Point: Speech translation technology has an accuracy rate of over 90% and can translate conversations in real-time.
Interesting Fact: Can be integrated with other Microsoft services, such as PowerPoint and Word, to provide automatic translation for presentations and documents.

Health and Fitness


App Name: MyFitnessPal
Description: A health and fitness app that helps users track their diet and exercise. It provides a database of over 11 million foods and allows users to log their meals and physical activity.
How AI is being Used: The app uses AI to provide personalized recommendations based on user behaviour and goals. It can also predict users’ weight loss progress based on their calorie intake and physical activity.
Unique Selling Point: One of the most popular health and fitness apps, with over 200 million registered users worldwide.
Interesting Fact: In 2015, Under Armour acquired MyFitnessPal for $475 million.


App Name: Fitbit
Description: A fitness and activity tracker worn on the wrist and used to help you keep track of your everyday lifestyle.
How AI is being used: Uses AI to analyze users’ health data and provide personalized insights and recommendations. It can also identify patterns and correlations in the data to help users reach their fitness goals.
Unique Selling Point: A leading fitness app, with over 30 million active users worldwide.
Interesting Fact: In 2021, Google announced that it would acquire Fitbit for $2.1 billion.



App Name: AlphaGo
Description: A gaming app that uses AI to play the board game Go.
How AI is being used: Uses AI algorithms and neural networks to evaluate board positions and make strategic decisions.
Unique Selling Point: A groundbreaking example of how AI can excel at complex games that were previously thought to be too difficult for computers to master.
Interesting Fact: AlphaGo’s victory over Lee Sedol, one of the world’s top Go players, was watched by millions of people around the world.


App Name: Pluribus
Description: A poker-playing app that uses AI to compete against human players. Developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in 2019.
How AI is being used: Uses AI algorithms to analyze the game and make strategic decisions. Can also bluff and adapt to the playing styles of opponents.
Unique Selling Point: First AI system to defeat top human poker players in a six-player game.
Interesting Fact: Developed using less computing power than previous AI poker-playing systems, making it more accessible and affordable.

Benefits of Using AI-Powered Applications

AI-powered apps offer several benefits to users, including:

  1. Personalization: AI-powered apps can learn from user behaviour and preferences, allowing them to provide personalized recommendations and experiences. For example, music streaming services like Spotify and Pandora use AI to suggest new songs and artists based on the user’s listening history.

  2. Efficiency: AI-powered apps can automate tasks and processes, saving users time and effort. For example, virtual assistants like Siri and Google Assistant can perform tasks like setting reminders or scheduling appointments, without the user manually inputting information.

  3. Accuracy: AI-powered apps can provide more accurate results by using AI algorithms to analyze data and make predictions. For example, language translation apps like Google Translate and Microsoft Translator use AI to translate text or speech in real-time, with high accuracy.

  4. Health and wellness: AI-powered health and fitness apps can help users track and achieve their health goals. For example, apps like MyFitnessPal and Fitbit use AI to track user activity, provide personalized exercise recommendations, and monitor health metrics like heart rate and sleep quality.

What’s in Store?

The potential for AI-powered apps in the future is immense, with advancements in natural language processing, computer vision, and other areas of AI research. Here are some potential developments we could see:

  1. More advanced natural language processing: AI-powered virtual assistants are already capable of understanding and responding to natural language queries. However, there is still room for improvement in this area, with virtual assistants potentially becoming even more conversational and capable of handling complex tasks.

  2. Improved computer vision: AI-powered image recognition has come a long way, with apps like Google Photos and Pinterest able to recognize and categorize images accurately. In the future, we could see even more advanced computer vision technology that can recognize and understand more complex visual information.

  3. Personalized healthcare: AI-powered health and fitness apps are already helping users track and achieve their health goals. In the future, we could see more advanced apps that are personalized to each user, providing tailored recommendations and health advice based on their unique health data.

  4. Advanced predictive analytics: AI-powered apps can already make predictions based on user data, but there is potential for even more advanced predictive analytics in the future. For example, AI-powered financial apps could use predictive analytics to make personalized investment recommendations based on a user’s financial goals and risk tolerance.

Parting Thoughts

The AI wave has already reached our shores, and it is up to us to embrace it confidently. We can either ride the tide to greater accuracy, efficiency, and success or fall prey to substandardness.

A tech company worth mentioning is GeekyAnts. They are at the forefront of innovation, mostly driven by AI. They have a big repository of AI-powered products coming up. Definitely worth following.

This article is written by Chayan.